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Old 08-08-2007, 11:27 AM
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Watching the game last night, a few innings prior to Bonds hitting the big one, ESPN ran a quote from former Atlanta Brave Dale Murphy. Dale is a Mormon, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, didn't chase the women (although at last count he & his wife had 6 kids, so I assume his dick works just fine ), & he fell just short of hitting 400 home runs and was twice voted MVP...the upshot of Dale's comments were if there's an asterisk after the record, Barry put it there himself, the evidence of performance enhancement is fairly convincing, & that BB has always been a hard guy to get along with.

My feeling is this: Barry would have been one of the greats without cheating - he's always been a simply awesome player to watch, but he's also always had some kind of personality disorder...I believe the term is "being an asshole"...and he's been a poor steward of the game, surprising since his dad was a great player, & his godfather is Willie'd think that Wille would have pulled him aside at some point & laid one upside his head, & told him to cut the crap...
My 2nd thought is if you can make Murph tell you to piss off, you must have done something real bad...
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