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Old 08-14-2007, 08:22 PM
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Shadozfire Shadozfire is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Houston, Texas
Posts: 316
WW-Unfortunately the car accidents were not my fault. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time (repeatedly). I think I have finally kicked that habit. The tests show all is normal in SF's brain and blood. The Dr's want to admit me for no less than 5 days, probably longer. I do not have the time off of work, nor do I have the leave built up to get paid for taking off. Oh and to tell you how that same person in my department from the business dinner debaucle feels about my migraines, she said the following to me the day that I had my emergency gall bladder surgery and I quote: "I hope that getting your gall bladder removed fixes your migraine issue too." Nice, eh? I have looked into the clinics around me and unfortunately they all want to admit me. I need the MIRACLE drug lol.

Lixie-Thanks for the hugs! I started off years ago with the homeopathic meds (and always try them first). Unfortunately, they do not work either.

Casper-Is that the miracle drug I have been searching all these years??!!!! Damn if I had only known!!!

Lilith-Oh trust me, having lived in Seattle for almost fourteen years, I always make sure I get my excessive caffeine intake!! I have tried massage and accupuncture in the past. I have an appointment lined up for Thursday to get a massage. I was just hoping that someone out there might have the end all be all cure that I had not tried. (SIGH) I might have to bite the bullet and have them botox my head which is the latest clinical trial. But hey, it would be a 2-fer!! No wrinkles AND no headache!!!! But they want to admit me before they give me the botox. Just suckable!!! What happened to the doctors that would shoot you up with what you wanted when you wanted it???
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