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Old 08-26-2007, 11:39 AM
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mikaylasmummy mikaylasmummy is offline
Proud mum of Mikayla
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Posts: 342
I am not etirely sure if it was because he was controlling, over possisive, a abuser, constantly acusing me of a affair or just over bearing that caused me to have a emotional affair.
My ex partner was like that he drove me into the arms of another man, he would always accuse me of cheating on him. Within that time, I was talking to my current partner every night of the phone. The more my ex pushed the more I had feelings for my man. When we spoke there was nothing sexual about the conversations, we never spoke about sex, no sorry that is a lie the most that we ever spoke about while I was with my ex was me telling my current I was not a virgin.
I believe that my ex and I were doomed regardless of the fact wether or not my current partner was involved or not he had a bad attitude and did not treat me the way that I deserved. I was going to leave him one day it was a matter of when?!?!?!?!
In the end I left him and I am with my current partner now, I have no regrets. I have a adorable stepson and a adorable daughter now.

ME: 22
DP: 30
DSS: 8
DD: 7 months

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