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Old 08-30-2007, 10:55 PM
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Jax Jax is offline
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So, I think I'm guilty of having an emotional affair. And I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, having a deep non sexual friendship with a woman has been wonderful. It is far easier to talk to to her about things and get a female perspective without the spouse baggage (a friend can be concerned for you, and love you, but not depending on you as a partner). In that respect it has probably strengthed my marriage and my other friendships.

But on the otherside, I have been more excited to hear from that person than perhaps my wife some times. And maybe a little too frequently. Also, while having the non spouse perspective is cool once in awhile, too often and it can become a problem. The wife should be in the front seat emotionally.

Hope that makes sense. This was a really good question.
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