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Old 11-11-2002, 06:57 AM
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Re: thumbs up for the Croc Hunter!

Originally posted by rabbit
Well, I respectfully disgaree with Steve Irwin's q-land mates. I happen to think that the Croc Hunter is absolutely fabulous. I love his gig! I'm just waiting for 'ol Agro to get a piece of him one of these days!

OK, so I reek of being an American...oh well!

This leads me to my fav Aussie word...courtesy of that great Q-lander Steve Irwin...CRIKEY!

Second would be TUCKER...hey, a man's got to eat.

Third would be FOSTER's...a definite Aussie contribution to partying!



Steve Irwin makes me cringe but he is a shrewd operator cos the lingo is layed on so thick to impress you gullable yanks , haha.

CRIKEY is hasn't been heard in public in oz since 1968 and FOSTERS is piss weak swill that no self respecting aussie would touch.It's marketed at the tourists for the tourists cos they don't know any better.If you want the taste of real aussie beer , go find yourself a VB (Victoria Bitter) ...... now THAT'S beer. BUUUURRRRRPPP!!

The Wombat : eats roots and leaves.

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