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Old 11-11-2002, 08:25 PM
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dm383 dm383 is offline
Pixies Horse Widower
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Sooner or later we all get stretch marks, scars, or other evidence on our bodies that we have really lived, and if someone thinks that's a turn-off then maybe their feelings for you doesn't run too deep either. Anyway, the real world isn't airbrushed thank god, and I think most of us realize and appreciate that.

I have stretchmarks, I'm over them, but I have a scar on my right wrist now in the shape of a cresent, and one that I see every time I shave my pubic area, I had a hernia in high school from weight lifting.... 100# jerk and clean on a 110# body, no good. I'm a bit ashamed of them.

BamaKyttn, please don't be ashamed of ANY part of you, whatever it might be! I'm not normally a great "quoter", but I agree 110% with Christine (& others) on this subject ~ any marks, scars, tat's, whatever a person has are just a small part of what makes you YOU!
I have scars all over from my time in the army, from accidents and just living; I have stretch marks from training too hard when I was younger, and I have 4 tattoos - I CHOSE them, but they're no different to me than any other marks on my body.
The way I see it, every mark on a person is also a memory; part of what makes you YOU, no matter how painful it may have been at the time, and just as much as memories or experiences are what made you the person you are today; only difference is, the memories don't show!
Sorry to go on so much ~ I'll shut up now, and go away!!

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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