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Old 11-26-2002, 11:56 AM
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Worst Break Ups?

(this is my first new thread so...)

Hey everyone, I've just been wondering, what's the worst breakup you've ever went through?

Ive got 2....

One time, I broke up with her inside a pizza place, and she went psycho! She knocked over the table, threw her drink across the room, yelled and screamed, and on her way out knocked over this family with little kids :redghost:

The second... not as crazy, but weird enough. This was basically how it went. My uncle, who I was rather close to, had just died (he was a prison guard, and was stabbed with a spoon...) I told her this and she said "Good.." and walked away. I never saw her again... it was rather strange.

So please, I've been wondering... anybody else have interesting stories to share?? Or am I just the freak with horrible break ups?
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