Thread: nipple jewelry
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:23 AM
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I suggest the fake clip-on thingies, if you must. Seriously, you might want to use those nips to feed a baby someday, & there's no 100% safe way of sticking holes in any body part that you might need to use in the future.

A few years ago, I was playing in a bar when I encountered a woman who was, ahem, more than willing to show off all her body piercings & art; she had a ring thru the right nip, the left unadorned, & when the drummer asked if it hurt, she said, "Oh hell yeh, it hurt like a sumbitch at first, but now..." & then flicked the ring a couple times with no sign of pain at all.

Now, here's a question for you: would you enjoy having little or no sensation in your nipples at all?
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