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Old 12-04-2002, 01:00 AM
Fondle You Fondle You is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 29
Originally posted by Pussy Willow
Amother problem is that many men are kind ,sensitive and caring
at the outset of a realationship, but as soon as they have sex
with a woman, the realationship changes.

Also most women are a little wary that "niceguys" are just acting
that way to get them into the bedroom.

This is the gist of what's been bothering me about women today. If the guy forgets an important date, if he doesn't say 'Hello' back one day, if he shows a foul mood one day because he's feeling stressed out and things are not going well at the moment, the woman starts believing she's being "snookered" and "tricked". Just because he's not the perfect Mr. Charming she thought he was when she first met him, when he worked doubly hard to win her affection, she now thinks he has just revealed himself as scum. Well, that's why they call it "work"...people in their natural state want to just let things go at their own speed. Tell me, when was the last time you felt too lazy to do something? If you felt that something could wait for another day but get yelled at by someone you know for it, how would YOU feel?


Newsflash: People are not perfect!!!!! Granted, some are less perfect than others. However, it can be said that we have our good days and our bad days. I am sensitive of that. It's just that I'm sick of the double-standard that says that guys like me have to do everything in our power to keep a relationship going but if I ask the woman to do a little more for me I'm being labelled as "overbearing". What a crock!!

You want to complain about how guys just want the sex? I believe there are women who couldn't care less if they have sex with men or not, except as a means of luring the guy into a relationship and then just give all the excuses in the world to just stop but enjoy the other 'benefits' of said relationship. There are more of you like that than you would EVER admit to.

To many women, an erect penis is VERY intimidating!!! How else to explain the double-standards and the excuse-making they like to employ.
One of the last generation of real males left

What the heck is a slute?
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