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Old 06-14-2001, 09:25 AM
RedHoT_Kiss_4u's Avatar
RedHoT_Kiss_4u RedHoT_Kiss_4u is offline
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 58
~~The departure~~

As we were lying there, I informed him that I had to get going..I had to get to work...I was late as it was..and really hated to leave the comfort of this man's arms and bed...but duty called.
I gave him my phone number and address and invited him over to dinner that evening...We kissed each other, a nice long wet one...and I walked away hoping that this man would call me and come to dinner....
As I walked down to the street, I looked up and saw him standing there in the window, and got chills all over me...Still very hard to beleive what had happend....It was going to be a beautiful day!!!!!!!
~~Red Hot Kiss~~
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