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Old 08-17-2009, 02:51 AM
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CuteCoupleOz CuteCoupleOz is offline
Naked and in Love
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 294
Because she had some sort of "mental issue" about a year ago, we are all supposed to just put with her shit. I did say something to my supervisor and she took me aside and said that everybody had complained but word has come down from on high that we have to just deal with it. And to be honest, at the time a year or so ago, i did feel bad for her and her situation. But now, I think she uses that to get or say what she wants. Like when I was on holiday last month......she decided she was stressed without my being there and took three "stress days" while they were already short with my being away. It's just frustrating how she gets away with shit the rest of us would get fired over.
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