Thread: Insatiable
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Old 08-20-2009, 12:14 PM
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lizzardbits lizzardbits is offline
Awesome on my Own
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omgosh, poor Mayhem when my second trimester rolled around when I was preggers with Baby Mayhem. I. Wore. The. Man. OUT!!! I think we even wore off some of his penile skin, ouch! And still I wanted more. So I heartily agree with Kathy, raging hormones. I'd try to distract myself with mundane chores, or reading things of a very unsexual nature. If that wouldn't work, I'd set a mental timer before I'd go scratch that itch from one time to the next, see how long I could go between times. Or the exact opposite and see how many times I could knock one off in 5 minutes, or the fastest I could orgasm, from first touch to explosion (I'm not quite sure, but I *think* I made it under the 30 seconds mark) Sometimes things like that helped, but having thourough, earth shattering, sheet melting, neighbors need a cigarette, howl at the moon sex is the best cure. Good luck!
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