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Old 09-08-2009, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by CuteCoupleOz
To citrus, until 4 years ago, I lived in NC and grew up there. It's long since gone out of usage, but when I was growing up the trunk was called the boot.

A few months back, I needed to phone a lady with some info. When I got her on the phone, she said, "Look, I'm really sick and don't think I can even get up to go write all this down. Can you please call my daughter?"......"Sure, no problem", I said as I took down the number. So I called the daughter and told her what info I was relating and that I'd called her Mum but she was a little under the weather and had asked if i'd call you instead. The daughter didn't make any mention, just took the info and said she'd deliver it. Two days later, I find out the daughter had gone straight over to the elderly mother's home because she thought she was on the piss. I had noooooo idea that being under the weather was another phrase for having had wee bit too much grog. I was so embarrassed. I called both women and profusely apologized. They were fine and the Mum got quite a laugh. I now am trying to not spit out so many American phrases, just in case. LOL Like Fanny.

One of the most confusing conversations between myself and catch22, when we first started chatting online, was when I came online and typed "I ammm so pissed." He types "whatcha drinking?" It just went downhill from there. It musta been weeks and weeks before I figured out that pissed to him was drinking.

So, now, every day, I put on my lippie, my sunnies and head off to work driving on the right left side of the road. For dinner, I have chips with tomato sauce. I often cook things on the grill which is in the oven. And this week my knee is really crook because of trolly mishap at Woolies.

Four years ago, I would have said....

----kathy (who after babbling on incessantly believes she has had wayyyyy toooo much plunger coffee this morning)
I like; a) taint brushing: b) a good cigar: c) our juices together; d) champagne: e) protein squirts; f)more of these; g)much more of these; h) Damn, slide that thing into me. Deep!
Adage: 2 things are certain in life; Death & Taxes. Therefore; God & Beelzebub had a meeting to fix the problem. A mighty storm prevailed for ages until finally they ended the storm with the agreement: From now on Anyone whom chooses doesn't have to die. "Everyone wins said Beelzebub. You get an eternally grateful bunch of worshippers praying forever for lower taxes as I goad & prod them forever with higher & higher taxation."
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