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Old 09-23-2009, 11:40 AM
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That is right.The English,French,German,and Canadian health coverage is not all the same. But the did respond to the people's need for health coverage, while this country is waiting around for a change from the "free market" plan of health care,largly paid for by employers as a benifit. While some people are afraid of what it might mean to be covered by a gov't health plan,they should realize that loosing your coverage when you loose your job,and being dropped for an illness,having a pre existing claus in your policy or telling you what the insurance companies wil or willnot pay for is a product of the way they are run today. As far as the undocumented issue goes,is red meat for the conservatives,and as far as paying for abortions go,why not? They are legal aren't they? If anybody want to bring "death panels" into the issue,forget about it.They have been listening to the wrong: Beckpalinlimbaughoreilydobbsrepublicannaysaingastr oturfingfoxnewsbullshit. It isn't that the conservatives don't have any ideas at all,they do.But the legitiment concerns will be found listening to people like David Frum and Michael Medved.
Sex is one of nine reasons for reincarnation.The other eight are unimportant...Henry Miller
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