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Old 09-23-2009, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by jseal
But seriously, if we take as given that the insurance companies are "gouging" (Assuming Facts Not in Evidence), then we must assume that this is happening with the collusion of Federal & State insurance regulators. Health insurers have been regulated since the late 1800s.

If "regulators" of any industries were doing their jobs, we wouldn't be in the financial crisis we're in now...but I digress...

Since you say the facts are not in evidence, how about we just follow the money? "Someone" obviously is happy enough with the status quo to defend it with everything they've got, using scare tactics about "death panels" & "socialized medicine" to frighten already insecure people with lies, nonsense, & the occasional truckload of bullshit, & this campaign is financed by...who? Hard to say, for sure, but one of the fiercest arguments I hear is that a govt. funded system would put private companies out of business. AIG notwithstanding, whenever an insurance co. goes under, usually one finds rampant fraud, greed, and/or mismanagement pushed it under the bus. Otherwise healthy insurance companies seldom suffer that fate.

And just for the record, private insurers work hand-in-hand with the biggest Govt. medical programs of all, Medicare/Medicaid...I know this first hand, BTW...& I repeat my earlier statement that that works as well as any system, private or public...
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