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Old 12-10-2002, 04:56 AM
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Nikki Nikki is offline
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Australia
Posts: 2,316

Why do blokes have a hole in their penis?
.........So they can get air to their brain...

Why don't guys use toilet paper?
..........Because God made them perfect arses......

What to you call a guy with 90% of his intelligence gone?

Why do guys hate wearing condoms?
..........It cuts off the circulation to their brain...

What do a clit, an anniversary and a toilet have in common?
.........Guys always miss them......

What's the best way to get a bloke to do something?
.........Suggest he's too old for it.....

How do you know when a guy is going to say something clever?
.........He starts off with "My girlfriend says.....

Why are all blonde jokes one liners?
.........So guys can understand them......

OMG......... ..........JUST JOKING....!!!!!!
~ Nikki ~

"In love there are no rules".......Bono
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