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Old 03-23-2010, 09:38 AM
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Lord Snow Lord Snow is offline
Yankee in Dixie
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 4,217
My cousin starting more shit last night about stupid stuff. He came downstairs to play the ps2 and his brother told him that he goes to bed around 9:30 and he didn't want to hear the game while trying to go to sleep. So my bitch of a cousin went whining to his mommy about that and a little joke I made Sunday during dinner. I'm getting tired of this crap. It's been going on since he failed at living in Las Vegas which is a whole different story.
"BOY: On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses? GIRL: Will he offer me his mouth? BOY: Yes. GIRL: Will he offer me his teeth? BOY: Yes. GIRL: Will he offer me his jaws? BOY: Yes. GIRL: Will he offer me his hunger? BOY: Yes. GIRL: Again, will he offer me his hunger? BOY: Yes! GIRL: Yes. BOY: On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses? GIRL: Yes. BOY: I bet you say that to all the boys!" -Meatloaf
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