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Old 07-17-2010, 12:40 PM
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AngelicVampires AngelicVampires is offline
Tease and Please
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Yet again, it is pet "owners." I am fostering a 4 year old Basset Hound because his owners gave him up. I think they were just looking for a reason to get rid of him. They kept him and an old Lab mix out in their garage. They bought some chicks and the Basset decided that they looked tasty (he is a hunting breed...what did they expect???). So then they decided to buy more chicks and put them out on the front porch...not away from the dog. They bought a third set of chicks and left them out for several hours. Why the idea of supervising their dog or putting the chicks where he couldn't get them is totally foreign to them is beyond me. The end result is a nice doggie that needs a home because of stupid people. They left him at the animal hospital and don't care what happens to him.
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