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Old 09-29-2010, 10:00 PM
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Originally Posted by gekkogecko
Am I rambling?

Probably no more than I do when I talk about my health

Originally Posted by gekkogecko
the anti-inflammatories have usually done little, if anything to knock out the pain. I'd rather not do the heavy narcotics if I can avoid them.

Based on my experience (which is admitted limited to more or less back issues), anti-inflammitories do little to kill the pain, though they have sometimes worked to end the problem. And heavy narcotics have (of the several that I've been prescribed) either 1) Done absolutely nothing or 2) Not killed the pain, just made it so I didn't care that I hurt but also made it hard to do anything else (and I found out that you never ever want to take a pain pill that makes you not care just before a college class. Nothing gets done except the instructor laughing at you for the entire time )

I hope your shoulder problem can be taken care of without having to resort to heavy pain-killers or surgery. Take care and take it easy
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