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Old 12-26-2002, 10:23 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
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These pics were taken as the storm was bulking up.

It got much worse before the calm came..........around 10:30pm. We were on the road to "Dad's" house just after this pic was taken. Talk about a mystery tour!!!!!! The best way I can explain the driving conditions is.........Have you ever watched Star Trek as they show a view through the front portal of the ship as they go to warp speed? All the stars passing by in a blur! That's what it was like driving to dad's house......only we were going in slow motion!

Oh.....and in keeping with the original thought of this thread......I had a really wonderful day. I got a new winter coat, a silver charm bracelet, some clogs (because I am a left-over hippie) and of course the "traditional" case of motor oil (inside joke between me and hubby) from hubby himself. Also.....from friends and family.....A George Foreman thingy (for cooking....LOL!), a toaster oven........(OMG, I see a theme growing here!) a ceramic chocolate lab (as I can't have the real thing till my cat says it's ok!), some handpainted glass candle holders, and lots and lots of hugs and kisses (my favorite gifts of all!!!)

So, this is just another view of the winter storm that came for Christmas!

Happy Holidays everyone!
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