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Old 02-17-2012, 05:20 PM
langley langley is offline
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Posts: 5
Complex Issue - some advice needed


Not sure how to start with this one, but essentially I have had the same issue twice now, both with my ex wife who I was with for 16 years & my current partner who I have been with for approx a year and a half....and am a bit perplexed how to over come the problem.

I am 39, would say I have quite a healthy sex drive & quite open minded when it comes to sexual stuff. I am not a pushy lover and totally respect boundries and that different people are into different stuff......I like older women, my wife was 10 years older & my current partner is 13 years older, but in both cases it seems they are not willing to step outside of a very tight boundary box which stems from a being given a very negative outlook of sex from their childhood / parents....I would like to try different stuff, maybe some anal play & dressing up in sexy undies, but it is a massive hurdle to over come, even though I have tried talking it through & being understanding, just wondered if anyone could offer up some practical advice?


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