Thread: Mindset Re: Sex
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Old 04-12-2012, 07:56 PM
wanderingsoul wanderingsoul is offline
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Mindset Re: Sex

My whole life up until a few months ago was very complicated. Since then and because of reasons I'd rather not get into, my life has gotten much simpler. I have a new outlook and mindset on life in general. To sum it up, for once in my 27yrs, I'm just wanting to have a little fun. I've never been to a bar or a concert or any of that. I've lived a very isolated life. Now I want to get out for a while and mix it up a little. My entire sex life is made up of 4 women and 2 men. I've probably kissed less than a dozen girls. I've been married once, engaged at least two times in addition to that. I look at entering any relationship as requiring the same loyalty and commitment as marriage and see sex outside a relationship as something to avoid at all costs. At least that's how I used to see it. Now, I just don't know. I know I want to have fun and forget the last 8yrs that only consisted of one night's worth of sex. These days, realizing the last time I was having sex on a regular basis I was 19 makes me realllllllly want to change all that. I'm not the public or even the 'dating' type, any suggestions?
words I live by;

POW/MIAs - No Will Never Be Forgotten

Karma can be a bitch, so don't make her mad!

Politeness counts.

The definition of a gentleman/lady is someone who does all the he/she can do to make the people around them as happy and comfortable as possible

Life's a bitch but it's all gotta be for something. If you keep faith in that, everything will be okay.

Every once in a great while, you just gotta kick a little ass!
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