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Old 12-20-2012, 03:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Oldfart
If your quality time is with Mrs Palmer and her five daughters, ably assisted with a smattering of porn, then you're not getting the range of stimulation needed to trigger the intense orgasm.

If my quality time? Haha, yeah for 15 years now masturbating on average once a day... I've definitely spent considerably more time with Miss Michigan doing the Five Knuckle Shuffle than I have probably any single other activity. Ha!

I've had my share of encounters with others as well, I think of my friends - at the age of 26 - I'd beat any of them to 0 fingers if we were playing 'never have I ever'. Outdoor sex, nope - haven't done that. BSDM, nope. Had great sex, yeah! A lot of it.

Orgasms? 3 of them EVER (2003, 2009, 2010) out of however many times I've ejaculated over 15 years!

(Sidenote: Hmm... wasn't there a funny thread a few years back that someone put a load calculator online so you could figure out how much speed you've spilled into the world?)

So yeah. I know that I can have an orgasm, I do know that amazing, shivering feeling that's exactly how girl's in movies describe to each other what the "big o" feels like.

I want to know how to have that feeling more often! All the time even!

I wish someone had heard of this before though, not just providing advice based on their own personal philosophies of sex.
Love to love.
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