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Old 01-16-2013, 02:15 AM
bmyjc bmyjc is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 1
Caught – but not on record…

Early in the summer after my Freshman year of college, I was home for a weekend. As any red blooded eighteen-year-old male would be doing at least a couple times each weekend, I ended up getting busy in my bedroom to one of my magazines in my extensive collection at the time.

As the pace was picking up, I realized that my door had opened up a crack. I was too far into it to stop and get up and close the door. However, it was then that I realized my mother was outside the door watching me. I stopped for a brief second, but then realized how much the idea excited me. I continued for at least a couple more minutes and she stayed there watching the whole time. Eventually I ended up coming harder than ever. Afterword, I could see the shadow of her leaving.

Every time I was home after that, I made sure I left the door open a crack whenever I satisfied myself. Many times I know she was there. in fact, it soon became obvious that she was actually masturbating on the other side of the door. Likewise, I started to notice that her bedroom door was left open a crack. I went to the doorway and was able to watch her as she masturbated herself.

This went on several times, and it was only going to be a matter of time before one of us pushed the door open and made a move. Shortly after that, I ended up breaking my neck in an accident and became paralyzed.

However, all is not lost. Shortly after my accident I was home again to recover. It did not take long for my mother and I to ultimately end up together despite my disability.

In fact, I cherish that time so much that I've written a formal erotic story and I'm always happy to share if anyone wants to read more.
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