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Old 08-06-2016, 08:31 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
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6 August 1916

Western Front
French ace Fonck forces undamaged Rumpler two-seater to land and alights nearby to take the crew as PoWs. (he will end the war with 75 confirmed victories). Royal Flying Corps Sopwiths break up German 10-bomber formation east of Bapaume.
Battle of the Somme: German troops launch three counterattacks against Australian forces at Pozieres, but are driven back. Slight British advance east of Pozieres. Reserve Army begins struggle for Mouquet Farm (until September 3).
Battle of Verdun: German counter-attack defeated, but regains Thiaumont work twice (August 8-9).
French gunners manning a 155mm artillery gun at Le Reichberg:* © IWM (Q 78830)

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive:
Galicia: Russian troops drive back Austro-Hungarian troops along the Siret river, and Graberko (south Brody) and repel German counter-attacks; Russians capture 3000 more Austro-Hungarian prisoners.

Southern Front
Main phase of the Battle of Gorizia (6th Battle of the Isonzo) begins (see 17th). Main Italian assault at 1600 hours after 9 hours intensest artillery barrage yet against Austrian 58th Division (General Zeidler on leave), 42 guns, 65 MGs involves Capello’s VI Corps’ 6 divisions, 603 guns and 390 mortars. They storm Mt Sabatino (1,998 ft) in 45 minutes and part of Podgora, taking 8,000 PoWs, 11 guns and 100 MGs. Former success much aided by Colonel Badoglio’s exhaustive reconnaissance and planning as CoS VI Corps and his leading of 6 battalions of 45th Division to assault.
Abruzzi Brigade storms Oslavia and Hill 165 to south, Cuneo Brigade takes Grafenberg on Podgora; Pavia Brigade storms Mt Calvario (603 ft). Italian XI Corps (87 battalions and 217 guns) captures all 4 humps of Mt Michele (Carso) and enters village taking 1,000 PoWs from Austrian VII Corps then gains whole of Northern Carso (until August 9).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
British reoccupy Katia, Turk rearguard actions against mounted troops until August 7.
Armenia: Determined Turk attacks repulsed by Russians north of the Upper Euphrates and in region of Mush-Bitlis.
Persia: Russians driven back by the Turks east of Kermanshah.

Political, etc.
Franz Eckert, German composer who composed the national anthem of Japan and the Korean Empire, passed away.
Romania: Romanian government warns Bulgaria on border clashes, stating it is “not in accordance with the good relations between the two countries.”
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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