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Old 08-19-2016, 06:13 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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19 August 1916

Western Front
Since March 19, Escadrille 3 of French Cigognes (Stork) Group (Brocard) has scored 39 confirmed victories and 26 probable in 338 air combats over Verdun and Somme.
Battle of the Somme: German counter-attack until August 20. British advance to Thiepval Ridge.
Battle of Verdun: German attacks at Fleury repulsed; again, these were more likely mere raids, not actually designed to be attacks to gain some territorial advantage.

Eastern Front
German counterattacks against the Russians halt their advance towards Lemberg (Lviv) and recapture territory around Cârlibaba.

Southern Front
: Battle of Florina [German name and dates.] ends (see 17th).

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea:
British Grand Fleet cruisers Nottingham and Falmouth (3 hits each) sunk in actions between 0557 hours and noon (August 20) by U-52, U-63 and U-66, forcing Jellicoe’s 29 battleships northward during fleet moves that bring Beatty (6 battlecruisers) 42 miles north of Scheer before latter turns for home. Harwich Force (5 cruisers and 20 destroyers) shadows but not able to make night torpedo attack as Jellicoe wanted. British mistakenly claim two German submarines destroyed.

Political, etc.
Ruhr coal miners strike against food shortages and inflation (until around August 28).
Germany apologizes for sinking the Dutch steamer Rijndijk, which was carrying food aid supplies to Belgium.
United Kingdom: Lloyd George on war progress: “I feel for the first time in two years that the nippers are gripping and before long we will hear the crack.”
British news film “Topical Budget,” showing a bomb throwing contest, among other news:
British government bans British subjects who have been abroad since March 1st and foreigners from entering Ireland.
United States: A hurricane makes landfall on Texas, resulting in 24 deaths and $28.6 million in damages (about $632 million today).
Greece: Crisis in Greece, owing to Bulgar occupation of Greek territory.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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