Thread: The Delinquents
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Old 02-27-2003, 02:13 AM
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OCC posting for DragonLady


Shelby was giveing a bell hop an organsim with out her realize it.. As all the sudden BANG!!! She turned around so fast and saw this big lemozen hit her car ...

Then this little midget started hit her car and another guy started hiting her car Shelby was now Pissed off

Walking to the smaller guy she looked at him You hit my car she said as she taped him on the shoulder and then gave him a swift kick .. Shelby didn't realize what type of power she had in that kick when the little guy flew in to the school window.

Then she turn to find the bigger guy, She walks up to him and looks at him Tapping him on the shoulder YOu hit my car my baby How could you do something so stupid YOu Fuck head are you dumb or what as Shelby Kicks the bigger man in the balls and he flys in to the air in to the fountain that has a statue of her father on it ..

What ass holes Shebly grabs her Cell Phone and calls her Father

Daddy YOu will never believe what just Happened Some Man and his mini me JUst Fucking HIt my Car !! as she Yelled and cried in the phone !! Its so totaled daddy ,

Clark sighed into the phone knowing this was just another way for his daughter to get of of this . Ok HOney I will tell you what you finish super hero school and I will by you a better brand new car Ok

Shelby : REAlly YOu will get me a new car Ok daddy Oh and the two idiots that hit my car I kicked them both like you taught me and they flew It was kind of cool daddy

Well I got to go daddy You better make sure you get me a good one to I want a super hero car!! Love you daddy got to go and check in now the bell hope is takeing my luggage in

as she hung up the phone and started to walk toward the entrance of the school

Hit my car will you What ass holes that should of taught them a lesson .. As she walks with a sexiness she doesn't even know she has..
Yea I'm Here, Let the Party Begin
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