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Old 10-31-2001, 10:18 PM
Posts: n/a
:::::looking around trying to see if there is anyone within 100 miles::::

Helloooooo? Anyone there? <running to my Funk & Wagnell to double check the meaning of "interactive"> Yup, there is supposed to be someone around. No replys, no E-mail, no PM's. Methinks perhaps I've been trapped in the Sexual Revolution's response to the "Twilight Zone". Yup, this is a real web site, and it says that there are people out there, and some have even read this story. <strapping on his thinking cap> Ergo, one of three possibilities must exist.
(1. The story sucks and doesn't merit any kind of response; not even a "You write like a first grader" comment!
(2. The story is good, but no one has the time to respond or add a chapter, choosing instead to watch re-runs of "Friends" and fantasize about the impossibly attractive and skinny people on the show.
(3. Everyone with any kind of remote sexuality has been imprisoned by the Taliban.

K, enough blathering. :::looking around to see what other areas might have a sign of life:::
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