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Old 07-23-2018, 09:36 AM
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23 July 1918

Western Front
Second Battle of the Marne: Battle of Soissons
or the Battle of Soissonais and of the Ourcq phase begins [British dates] (see August 2nd): German defence tenacious by 27 divisions in line, but British take Marfaux (south-west of Reims). French and Americans continue advance north and south of Ourcq, reaching Oulchy la Ville and occupying Bois du Chatelet.
Somme: Battle of Moreuil or Sauvillers: French 3rd Division (1891 casualties) with 36 British tanks (11 disabled) advance 2 miles on 4-mile front towards Avre valley, capture the 3 villages, of Mailly-Raineval, Sauvillers, and Aubervillers, 1858 PoWs, 5 guns and 275 MGs.
Foch letter to Petain urges one main thrust on Fereen-Tardenois.
Allied losses over Marne (since July 16) 150 aircraft and 6 balloons to 27 German (since July 15). RAF Soptiwht Camel night fighter (Captain A Yuille) forces down a Gotha bomber over Etaples (3 PoWs), first of No 151 Squadron’s 26 bomber victims without loss (until November 11).
French cavalrymen pass British soldiers. The cavalry were still held in reserve in case of the breakthrough that never came:
British troops advancing through Bois du Petit Champ, passing by a dead German soldier: © IWM (Q 11085):
German prisoners bringing back a wounded soldier while under guard by British and French soldiers at the Bois de Reims: © IWM (Q 11099):
A Swiss soldier working on a tunnel inside a mountain. Switzerland remains neutral while it continues to build up its defenses:
British and French soldiers fighting together in Bois de Reims: © IWM (Q 11110):

Naval and Overseas Operations
: British armed mercantile cruiser Marmora torpedoed and sunk by German submarine, 100 lost.
Mozambique: Retreat of Germans at Namirrue.

Political, etc
: Appointment of Herr Karl Theodor Helfferich (German ex-Minister of Interior) as Ambassador at Moscow.
Siberian Government at Vladivostok reigns; Proclamation of Siberian Government Council; another try at independence, restores Duma and landowners, annuls Red decrees and appeals for Allied recognition on July 25.
United Kingdom: Munition workers' strike at Coventry.
Mr. Herbert Hoover (U.S. Food Controller) at Mansion House, London.
King visits Grand Fleet.
Japan: Rice riots begin in Toyama Province of Japan, as people protest rising rice prices (the protests spread across the country and lasted for 2 months, resulting in thousands of arrests).
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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