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Old 07-28-2018, 10:18 AM
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28 July 1918

Western Front
On this date in 1918, it was exactly four years since the start of the “Great War”, with the Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia.
It is 106 days until the armistice which ended it (although much fighting continued in Eastern Europe, with the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Russian Civil War, various European nations wars of independence).
Second Battle of the Marne: A relative lull in the battle; only some minor activity. Fère-en-Tardenois retaken by Allied forces. British retake Montagne de Bligny (Ardre valley).
Since July 26, Allies (most of 5 US divisions engaged until July 31) have advanced 4 miles on 20-mile front. They cross the Ourcq. Dotted lines represent the farthest German advance, while the dark areas are the German’s current territory:
Foch puts French First Army under Haig for Amiens operations and asks that Rawlinson’s planned August 20 attack be advanced to August 8 due to critical Marne situation.
The British Commander-in-Chief on the Western Front, Sir Douglas Haig, is inspecting Canadian troops:
Canadian journalists and nurses at the ruins of the No. 3 Canadian General Hospital at Doullens, France that was bombed by German airplanes: © IWM (Q 9125):
German prisoners captured during the 2nd Battle of the Marne held at Mareuil: © IWM (Q 6876):
American machine gun crew in action on the Western Front: © IWM (Q 108327):

Political, etc
: Albert Goodwin, English labour activist active in Canada, is shot and killed while he was on the run for evading conscription. The killing causes widespread labour unrest in British Columbia:
Minor Allies: Brazil: German banks ordered to cease operations (finally closed October 16).
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