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Old 07-29-2018, 10:02 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
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29 July 1918

Western Front
Second Battle of the Marne
: German positions north of Oulchy-le-Chateau stormed. French capture Grand Rozoy. French and British capture Buzancy. Australians capture Merris and advance in Morlancourt sector, south of Albert. British Amiens concentration begins at night, with camouflage and strict security.
German General Cappard resists fiercely between Fare-en-Tardenois and St Euphrasie. Petain concedes Germans have escaped trap.
German soldiers in action on the Western front:
French FT-17 tanks after an attack near Grisolles: © IWM (Q 58238):
Ruins of Cloth Hall in Ypres, a structure dating to the 13th century, destroyed by artillery: © IWM (Q 9174):
British troops returning from the front after capturing Montagne de Bligny hill: © IWM (Q 11090):

Southern Front
Italian aircraft designer Gianni Caproni with his Ca.42 heavy bomber:

Naval and Overseas Operations
Eastern Mediterranean
: British transport Hyperia (52 lives lost) sunk by U-boat 84 miles from Port Said.
St George’s Channel: Asstistant USN Secretary Franklin Roosevelt and First Sea Lord Sir E Geddes visit Queenstown base, south Ireland.
American destroyers using depth charges against a German submarine:

Political, etc
: Facing the occupation of Arkhangelsk & Valdivostok, Lenin proclaims de facto state of war vs Allies. SOVNARKOM allows Trotsky to mobilize ex-officers (22,315 by November 30), those refusing to face concentration camps. Trotsky calls Czechoslovak Corps ‘Almost the most important factor.’
United Kingdom: Munition workers' strike at end, under threats of hefty fines and forced labor for life for strike leaders.
United States: American surgeon and inventor George Fell, who led development into artificial ventilation and the first electric chair, passed away:
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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