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Old 10-16-2018, 04:22 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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16 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of Courtrai
: Flanders army advances, taking part of Courtrai, etc. Corporal Adolf Hitler (16th Bavarian Reserve Regiment) wounded by BEF gas shell (evacuated half-blinded to Pasewalk hospital, Pomerania).
Last shelling of Dunkirk by long-range gun.
Artois: OHL orders Sixth and Seventeenth Armies to retreat into Hermann line.Germans retreats from Douai-Lille front, pursued by British.
Meuse: AEF breaks through kriemhilde lines in fierce attacks (October 16, 17 and 18). German coy commander writes home ‘… a quick end is to be hoped for, there is nothing more to be saved’. Americans enter Grand Pre after hard fight.
Strong German counter-attack on River Selle.
Aisne: French troops (Gouraud) cross river storming Vouziers heights and capturing Grandpre.
American Mk V Tanks attacking German trenches:

Southern Front
: Greece cleared of Bulgarians; Proclamation issued.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: Armenian General Andranik harassing Turkish communications about Erivan.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
British cavalry completes the capture of the city of Homs from the Ottomans as the advance towards Aleppo progresses. The city of Homs:
Siberia: Bolsheviks try to stop Middlesex battalion at Zema.

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: Royal Navy submarine L.12 sinks U-90 in Skagerrak, G.2 likewise dispatches U-78 on October 28.
Germany: Fast light cruiser Frauenlob II launched at Kiel.

Political, etc
: Austro-Hungarian Emperor Karl issues manifesto proclaiming a Federal State six self-governing nationalities, but Transylvania to remain Hungary’s, on the principle of Nationality (see 5th and 29th).
Row in Hungarian Parliament.
Germany: Peace demonstrations in Berlin; public opinion much disturbed.
Russia: M. Vladimir Lenin again wounded. Lenin posing with his books in his Kremlin office in Moscow:
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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