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Old 10-23-2018, 04:30 AM
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23 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of the Selle
(see 25th/26th): Heavy fighting by French in Serre and Vouziers sectors. Third phase: Byng’s Third Army (including 6 tanks) attacks Forest and Ovillers, captures Grand Champ Ridge, Rawlinson’s 18th Division (with 6 tanks) captures Bousies. BEF drives 6-mile deep, 35-mile wide breach into German line (until October 24).
Scheldt: Big British attack between Le Cateau and Valenciennes carries line forward one to three miles after stiff resistance; Bruay taken and Scheldt reached.
Western Front, Air: More activity than for several weeks, RAF No 20 Squadron’s Bristol fighters claim 5 Fokker fighters for no loss, Hirson rail junction bombed. Prince Albert flies in Handley Page to join IAF HQ near Nancy.
Germany: Handley Page bomber destroys Kaiserslautern Greist munitions factory with 1,650lb bomb (night October 21-22). Similar devastation in Wiesbaden city centre (nights October 23-24, 49 casualties).
One of the newer British Tank Mk V towed another tank with a steel cable:
Two soldiers inspecting their uniforms for the presence of lice:
British troops crossing a bridge destroyed by the Germans near Douchy:
A Belgian road being repaired after it was recaptured by the Allies:
Men of the Gordon Highlanders bury a Frenchwoman killed by a shell near Denain. Her daughters stand by the grave: © IWM (Q 9607):
German coastal artillery left behind after they retreated from Zeebrugge, Belgium: © IWM (Q 7134):

Eastern Front
North Russia
: Bolsheviks attack Allied position of River Dvina (south of Archangel) and are repulsed.

Southern Front
: Croatian troops seize Fiume, but are suppressed.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British advance on Mosul begins (see November 4th).

Naval and Overseas Operations
239,000 tons Allied shipping (including 151,000 British) lost in September (announced).
North Sea: Harwich Force last in action. Though weather prevents its seaplanes taking off and 3 of 4 Sopwith Camels broken on lighters, German aircraft driven off.
Admiralty warns Beatty of German Fleet sortie preparation.
Adriatic: Austrian Fleet discipline breaking down with demands to go home.

Political, etc
: Prime Minister Wekerle resigns; Baron Hussarek still Austrian Premier. Emperor Charles and Zita open Debrecen University.
Germany: Dr. Solf and German War Minister on the situation.
United Kingdom: House of Commons votes 274-24 for women Members of Parliament.
Balfour speech at Anzac lunch says Germany’s colonies can never be returned.
Belgium: King and Queen of Belgians fly to Bruges.
United States: President Wilson replies to German Note of the 20th, and agrees, to submit the matter to the Allied and Associated Governments (see 27th, and November 3rd).
Charlie Chaplin secretly marries actress Mildred Harris at Los Angeles (announced November 9).
Myrtle Gonzalez, American actress considered one of the first Latino American actresses in Hollywood, dies at the age of 27 to the Spanish flu:
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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