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Old 10-26-2018, 05:42 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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26 October 1918

Western Front
British progress south of Valenciennes and repulse German attack on Maing.
Heavy French fighting on Rethel-Oise front.
Slight advance east of Courtrai.
At BEF GHQ Churchill chairs senior gas officer conference (flies home on October 30).
Western Front, Air: The Inter-Allied Independent Air Force (IAF) is created under Supreme Commander Marshal Foch and the Commander in Chief, Major General Sir Hugh Trenchard.
A gravedigger digging new graves for civilians at Denain, France: © IWM (Q 3313):
Wounded Canadian soldiers enjoy tea at a dressing station:
A girl next to a smashed piano at Denain, France: © IWM (Q 3308):
The King and Queen of Belgium return to Bruges after it was recaptured from the Germans:
French troops digging trenches near Saint-Quentin-la-Petit: © IWM (Q 78114):

Southern Front
Italy: Third Battle of the Piave
(aka Battle of Vittorio Veneto): Italian Grappa attacks mainly fail, gaining only Peak 1186 and Col del Cuc (Aosta Alpini Battalion 568 casualties to date). Field Marshal Boroevic thanks defenders, confident ‘that they would convince the enemy that their blood had been shed in vain’, but 3 Hungarian divisions ask to be withdrawn home (until October 27). Italians begin 4 bridges at middle Piave.
Austro-Hungarian soldiers resting between actions at the Piave river front:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British advanced troops occupy Aleppo after c.1,000 Turks leave; 500 Jodhpur and Mysore Lancers (80 casualties) charge Kemal’s 3,000 Turks and 8 guns north of city at Haritan but beaten off after lancing 50 and taking 20 PoWs.
Arab and Allied forces capture the city of Aleppo from the Ottomans:
Mesopotamia: Turks on Tigris retreat during night 26/27 to Kalaat Shergat. Cassels’ 1,000 cavalry with 6 guns (11th Cavalry Brigade) ford mile-wide Tigris 13 miles north of Sharqat after 83-mile ride in two days as 17th Indian Division (until October 27) repulsed from Turkish Humur line with 618 casualties.

Political, etc
: General Erich Ludendorff resigns. Kaiser says ‘The operation is done. I have split the Siamese twins’ (Hindenburg and Ludendorff). Kaiser refuses Hindenburg’s tendered resignation. Ludendorff succeeded by Wilhelm Groener whose railway expertise proves invaluable during the retreat.
Turkey: Three Turkish envoys begin armistice talks at Mudros (until October 30).
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