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Old 11-03-2018, 10:31 AM
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3 November 1918

Western Front
: Belgians reach outskirts of Ghent.
Aisne and Argonne: Franco-American offensive ends; Lille-Metz rail line severed. French IX Corps takes Basancourt Farm. Germans retreat in Argonne Forest. Americans capture Buzancy. French capture south bank of Canal des Ardennes between Semuy and Neuville.
British troops outside the destroyed train station at Valenciennes: © IWM (Q 78802):
Allied flags flown by the residents of Valenciennes to greet the advancing soldiers: © IWM (Q 78804):
Canadian soldier tries to comfort a wounded Belgian baby whose mother was killed by a shell:
German prisoners captured and held at Le Quesnoy, France:
The museum in Valenciennes, France that was looted by German troops:
Canadian soldier in the ruins of Valenciennes:

Eastern Front
: Mackensen proposes immediate evacuation (US decrypt message, August von Mackensen receives Romanian ultimatum on November 9 and begins pullout November 10).
Poland: Polish Regency Council orders formation of regular Standing Army.

Southern Front
Third Battle of the Piave
(aka Battle of Vittorio Veneto): AUSTRIAN ARMISTICE SIGNED AT 1800 HOURS by Generals Weber and Badoglio at Diaz’s Villa Giusti headquarter near Padua. Austrian Army group commanders suspend hostilities from 0330 hours. Italians (from Venice) land at Trieste, occupy Trento. British 48th Division completes haul of 23,000 PoWs with 14 battalions. Italian cavalry cross Tagliamento and regain Udine.
Trieste occupied by Italian forces.
Italian cavalry enters Trento. At the same time, a coy of Alpini troops lands in the port of Trieste:
Serbia: Serb Government re-enters Belgrade.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Mutiny in the German fleet at Kiel becomes general (see August 3rd, 1917). 3,000 sailors and workers converge on Waldweisse in Kiel; a USPD representative and shipyard workers proclaim solidarity. The elated crowd then marches towards Feldstrasse naval gaol, but is fired on in Karlstrasse by 48 officer cadets and shipmates (Lieutenant Steinhauser), 8 killed, 39 wounded. Crowd retaliates with stones and a few rifle shots (Steinhauser killed), then disperses.
Adriatic: Italian Navy from Venice, Ancona, Brindisi and Albania begins occupying 32 Dalmatian Islands and Adriatic ports (until December 5) beginning with Trieste and Pelagosa Island (4 small craft) and Lissa island.

Political, etc
Among Allied Powers
: Allied Governments agree to Germany's proposal for an armistice and peace on basis of President Wilson's proposals of January 8th (see 5th and October 23rd).
Austria: AUSTRIAN ARMISTICE WITH ALLIES signed at noon (effective November 4, published November 6) after Emperor Charles relinquishes supreme command to Arthur Arz (Hermann Kövess von Kövessháza nominated November 4).
Poland: Republic declared at Warsaw.
Emerging States: Yugoslav Republic declared at Agram.
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