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Old 11-05-2018, 11:06 AM
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5 November 1918

Western Front
Battle of the Sambre
including the Second Battle of Guise (4th/5th): Pursuit after Battle of the Sambre begins: BEF Fourth, Third and First Armies engaged; Mormal Forest cleared. Canadian Corps and 3 British divisions with tanks orce river Grand Honnelle (mainly just inside Belgium; until November 7). OHL ORDERS GENERAL RETIREMENT INTO ANTWERP-MEUSE POSITION (issued 0400 hours). Foch given ‘supreme strategical direction of all forces operating against Germany on all fronts’.
Aisne: French take Chateau-Porcien.
Meuse: General retreat of Germans from the Meuse to Conde on the Scheldt begins, French Center Army Group joins in pursuit. Groener in Berlin informs German Cabinet ‘… one thing must not be allowed to happen. The American Army … must be prevented from advancing north of Verdun’. MacArthur in command of 42nd ‘Rainbow’ Division (until November 22) on advancing US I Corps flank after AEF link with Gouraud.
Douglas MacArthur, one of the most important generals of the Second World War, as commander of the Rainbow Division in 1918:
American troops leaving for the front:
An American deserter and straggler wearing signs marking their crimes in France: © IWM (Q 70742):

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Captain Weniger and 2 other officers of battleship König, shot dead while attempting to prevent hoisting of red flag on their ship (Kiel town cadet also killed by sailors on November 6). Kaiser’s brother Grand Admiral Prince Heinrich flees in a truck flying the red flag.
North Sea: H.M.S. Campania sunk by collision in the Firth of Forth with battleship HMS Revenge, No lives are lost:

Political, etc
: (Listed for yesterday): German troops are sent to Kiel to disperse the mutinous sailors, but many end up refusing orders or joining the revolutionaries. The city of Kiel falls under the control of the revolutionary sailors and workers, and they issue their “14 Points”:
Soviet Ambassador Yoffe expelled from Germany for subversion, but gives Independent Socialists 4 million rubles for propaganda on November 6.
Russia: Resignation of Siberian Government in favour of "All-Russian Government" (i.e., Whites not Bolsheviks).
United Kingdom: Lloyd George announces Armistice conditions in Commons.
British Ministerial changes; Sir A. Geddes becomes President of Local Government Board in place of Mr. W. Hayes-Fisher, resigned.
Rows of munitions in a warehouse at the National Shell Filling Factory at Chitwell, Nottinghamshire: © HU 96430:
United States: President Wilson sends final Note to the German Government with Allies' acceptance of armistice proposals (see 3rd and 8th). Germany must apply to Foch for terms. Government recognizes Romanian Unity National Council (Britain on November 11, Italy on November 22).
U.S. elections for Congress; Republican majority returned.
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