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Old 11-08-2018, 07:24 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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8 November 1918

Western Front
: German armistice delegates reach Allied General Headquarters (see 11th and October 23rd), led by Matthias Erzberger, they see Foch at 0900 hours, refer terms to Berlin 1300 hours. Marshal Foch refuses request for provisional armistice, terms of armistice to be accepted or refused by 11 am on 11 November.
Maubeuge retaken by British forces (see September 7th, 1914).
French reach outskirts of Hirson and Mezieres; French and Americans clear heights east of Meuse.
Germans retire from Hermann position (Oudenarde-Tournai-Conde). BEF begins advance to Armistice Line (18,000 PoWs taken since November 1). US Second and First Armies and 4 French Armies begin final advance.
Sambre: British 32nd Division (Fourth Army) captures Avesnes.
Scheldt: Germans begin withdrawing opposite BEF Fifth Army at 0200 hours. British patrols soon discover abandoned German bridgehead west of Antoing-Tournai, British quickly reach western bank from Bruyelle to Froyennes and cross river.
German delegation led by Matthias Erzberger crosses the front lines to negotiate the armistice with the Allies:
A German prisoner crossing the Canal de l'Escaut:
German guns captured by the Canadians around Cambrai:

Political, etc
: War Minister and Emperor order that new loyalty oath replaces imperial one.
Germany: German senior commanders unanimously imply to imperial chancellor that army cannot be relied on, if ordered, to suppress uprisings at home.
Prince Max’s proclamation to Germans abroad declaring Germany beaten, and resigns Chancellorship. King of Württemberg and Duke of Brunswick abdicate. Pilsudski released from Magdeburg fortress to Berlin, arrives Warsaw on November 10.
Poland: Leaders tells Austria they has assumed sovereignty over Galicia.
United Kingdom: Blockade Minister warns enemy ships’ transfer will not be recognized.
Final wartime import restrictions issued (first relaxation on November 14).
Romania: M. Marghiloman, Romanian Premier, and M. Arian, Romanian Foreign Minister, resign (see March 21st, and December 1st).
United States: Woodrow Wilson cables congratulations to new governments at Vienna, Budapest and Prague.
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