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Old 03-11-2003, 11:00 PM
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Originally posted by Zonetime32
Well, it always feels good

But there are some techniques out there that have to make it feel EVEN better. I am just interested on what some of you people do.

I like to squeeze and then let go and see my cum come out in bunches. But are there any other techniques out there that I am not thinking of?

Keep the squeeze on, and just before you are about to let go, stop. Squeeze your PC muscle (between the base of your cock and your anus) just as you are ready, and with practice, you will be able to block the ejaculation.

Do this again, and again, and again

You are, in effect, having orgasms without ejaculations. Imagine the possibilities, and the orgasms you can give before letting go.

You are now a beginning student of Tantra.
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