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Old 03-12-2003, 11:44 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
Posts: 11,637
Originally posted by Lekov
We're pretty much joined at the hip. Rather scary-close at time. One of those couples that finishes one-another's sentences, etc.

Lekov... it's actually a spin-off from my primary on-line handle: Chalgyr Vokel - Vokel backwards = Lekov.

When I hit my first adult BB, I didn't want to use such a unique name (go ahead, look up Chalgyr. You'll likely find my MUD, my old rp board, my story website... and that's about it, lol), due to mild embarrasment, so I came up with Lekov. Now that's what people at these boards who send me from one to the next know me as, so I just stuck with it, though the "embarrassment factor" is gone now.

Wow...that was unnecesarrily long. ;p

Hmmmmmmm??? So happens, "unnecessarily long winded" is my middle name! LMAO!

Welcum to Pixies Lekov and Gilly! Don't worry about going on and on and on and on and on and on and on around here. I've paved the way for rhetoric! I think you'll find most "Pixies" very tolerant of babbling. Or maybe they are just being nice and have secret meetings while I'm not here and say things like, "That Lixy sure does go on at times. How do we get her to stop"?

Oops! Now I let my paranoia slip.........OK....I'm done! For now.................

Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

~Thomas Dewar~
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