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Old 03-14-2003, 04:49 PM
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TinkerBell69 TinkerBell69 is offline
Magic Clit
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: scotland...brrrrr!
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Ive had my tongue pierced since my 18th birthday (my pressie from my mom), shortly after, my bf got his done too.

Ive had my belly and lip pierced, and besides the risks and swelling, your tongue seems to be the easiest.

Apart from the initial lisping and not eating properly for a week, its all right.

You can eat and drink as soon as you feel you can.

I was smoking as soon as i got out of the piercing place, and had an alcoholic drink the day after. You might want to stay away from vinegar and stuff like that.

Another thing i noticed, fizzy juice doesnt seem to help the healing.

Anything you eat in the first two weeks of having it done will colour your tongue, so avoid crisps etc as they make your tongue look infected.

As for going down on someone:

I have to take mine out sometimes when I go down on him as it sometimes gets in the way and hurts him.

When he goes down on me he doesnt use his tongue bar, and when he does, he says i stop responding. It also hurts sometimes.

But I would recommend getting it done, cos its always something to play with!

I didn't say it was your fault. I said I was going to blame you.

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