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Old 03-15-2003, 12:37 AM
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Uncle Silky Uncle Silky is offline
The Pimp-Hued Hillbilly
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...but you can avoid every single risk by abstaining from mosta the things Tinkerbell mentioned for a coupla weeks, including oral sex, which is a definite no-no under any circumstances for AT LEAST two weeks. but if you must indulge in the others, keep a non-alcoholic mouthwash mix handy, half-water and half-mouthwash, for a thorough cleansing after every smoke, meal, and any drink that isn't water. it's also best to avoid excessive playing and tugging at the stud for the first week at the very least. why aggravate a wound if it isn't necessary? the best advice i can give anybody considering a tongue piercing is this: crushed ice. for the first 3-5 days, if at all possible, carry around a large cup of crushed ice and keep it in your mouth every chance you get. not only will it help ease any pain you might feel, it'll keep the swelling at bay and do wonders for yer healing. anti-inflammatories can help, too, but aren't really an issue if you can get ice. and if ya can't, i suggest you leave Hell now. the rent is outrageous.

incidentally, it should be noted and appreciated that tongue piercings are a decided dental hazard. the normal wear and tear, excluding the added damage of frequent playing with the stud, chips away the enamel on yer teeth over time, making them susceptible to needless decay. just sumthin you should take into consideration.

pain-wise, if that's even a concern, the tongue is unlike nearly every other piercing you can get in that it isn't even really a piercing in the traidtional sense. the tongue being a muscle, the only piercing involved occurs in the top and bottom layers of the tongue's external surface. otherwise, the needle simply passes between the striations, or strands, of muscle with no discernable injury done. this, naturally, produces far less discomfort and allows a rapid healing time, so long as you follow all the aftercare instructions listed above, of course.

so there ya go. ask if ya have any other questions or concerns.
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