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Old 07-13-2001, 06:31 PM
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BrightEyes BrightEyes is offline
Join Date: Jan 1998
Location: Ohio
Posts: 45
What's A Woman To Do?

I have a bit of a problem and I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out what to do about it.

I'm tired of trying to come up with an answer on my own, so I thought I would ask for some advice here on the boards...

Here's the situation.....

I've known a man for four years via the net and have not met him yet. We started out talking to one another via Yahoo! Chat and the relationship progressed into phone calls and phone sex, hot and steamy e-mails, you get my meaning here....

He's married, in the military, and is everything I like about a man...I think the main reason I won't go and see him is because he is married.... The other reason being because I'm afraid I'll fall madly in love with him despite the fact I have no interest in falling in love or having a relationship with him other than being friends and lovers, and I know deep inside I could keep it at that level, but I'm afraid I'll end up falling for him big time too......

ARRRRRRRRRGGGHHHH...what should I do? Part of me wants to be with him soooo badly while the other part of me doesn't want to because I feel guilty about being the "other" woman......

Any advice is appreciated...

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