Thread: Aftermath
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Old 05-26-2003, 08:50 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617
Jack Fleming

Unsure of what else he could say, Jack moved toward the door and paused. Anything he said at this point was going to be half-hearted at best. He couldn't exactly cheer his son on by saying something like: It won't be so bad, your mom's a great fuck!

Jack Fleming groaned inwardly and walked back over to his son. Giving him a great bear hug, he ruffled the boy's hair and then held him at arm's length. "There's an appointment tomorrow morning at Central State Hospital. Both you and your mother have to go. Devi and Sunil as well."

When Mark didn't say anything, Jack turned away pausing at the door again. "Mark?"

"Yes, dad?"

"Your mother and I love you very much."

"I know, dad. I love you, too."

Sighing, Jack left his son to ponder the realities of what he'd told him. Now he had to tell Janice that the deed was done -- at least this part.
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