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Old 05-27-2003, 12:02 AM
fzzy fzzy is offline
Learning to talk sexy
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 3,264
there is a self help author that talks about when you stop loving someone then you just need to love them .... don't know if this will help at all .. it's about - when you stop feeling love toward someone, then you need to do more loving things for and with that person ..... we love who we take care of and serve and we love them when they do the same in return, but the real love grows in the doing for that person, thinking about how it will make them happy, how they will get a bit of a thrill knowing we spent time and energy on them, etc. My final cliche comment (I know that's what they are, but things become cliche for a reason) - it's an old Irish proverb (I think it's Irish anyway) ... Choose your love and love your choice. Good luck .... you are both blessed in that you are willing to work through these feelings!
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