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Old 07-16-2001, 12:23 PM
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BrightEyes BrightEyes is offline
Join Date: Jan 1998
Location: Ohio
Posts: 45

You have given me a lot to think about.

Being a legal professional myself I have a complete and total understaning about military law and how it differs from civilian law. Also I have an understanding about how long he can be gone, and how he has no control over how long he could be gone or where he could end up stationed at, as my father and my uncle both were Officers in the Air Force.

I would never wish him to lose or risk his military career or rank for me because I do understand the fact that he may lose rank or be discharged from the Navy, but it's all about taking that risk. I seem to think if he's willing to meet with me and have an affair with me then he assumes the knowledge and responsibility of what he may lose. Thus the hesitation of meeting with him.

To answer your questions.....

Yes, I can love a person I have not or am not intimate with, and yes, I can be intimate with someone I don't love as I have done it before.

To answer your question about being jealous of his wife..... No, I am not jealous of her. I am not saying I couldn't or wouldn't become jealous of her because I'm well aware of the fact I could become jealous of her, but I'm basing this answer upon the fact I have not met him face to face, eye to eye, and it all could end up being totally different if we do meet. Do you understand what I mean?

What I do have with him right now(the phone, e-mail, snail mail, etc)all may change once we do lay eyes on one another. It's a huge game of risk, but I'm not certain I could stand asking myself the universal question of "what if".

Finally... I tend to think he he would be understanding if I found someone else because he does encourage me to date other men, but I have no interest in doing so right now.

Maybe I ought to just meet him in a public place instead of having him over for dinner at my house. Then again, it may not matter where we end up meeting at we probably would end up leaving with one another anyways...........


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