Thread: Aftermath
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Old 06-04-2003, 04:34 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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The rest of the evening, Mark is left alone to watch the telly. The twins in bed and his father staying upstairs with his mother.

Taking a sip from his pepsi, the boy is hardly aware of what he is watching as his mind goes over what has happened today. He is still feeling sore after what they did to him at the hospital.

He shivers at the memory. He wouldn't want to go through that again.

Not only that, he still remembers the look on the nurse's face when she first saw his dick. Though she didn't say anything to him, he did catch her opening her mouth in surprise. It had made him feel funny.

Finally, the events of the day overtakes him and he drifts off to sleep in the chair...
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