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Old 06-21-2003, 02:25 PM
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Finding Nemo: What'd ya think, mates?

I just came home from watching the cartoon Finding Nemo. I know it will sound really stupid, but I thought of all my friends here at Pixies who live in Augustralia as I watched it, especially the last third or so of the movie. "Seeing" Sydney and hearing the accents and some of the words used that I associate with Australia just made me think of every one of you. It made it so much more enjoyable and brought me an extra smile. If I could, I'd have stopped by and given every one of you a big hug! LOL

If anyone has a chance to see it, I highly recommend it, even if you DON'T take a kid along with you to watch it (I saw it by myself). If you go, let me know if you liked it.
Communication is the key.
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