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Old 11-29-2001, 12:32 PM
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darrenfate darrenfate is offline
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Bob looked at Mayumi as she stood in front of him. He wanted her more than anything else he had wanted in his entire life. Crazy desire welled up in him. He appraised her entire body, his eyes missing no details. Her eyes so warm and tinged with tears. The soft lips led to her chin followed by Mayumi's thin graceful neck. Down her chest to perfectly formed breasts. Her thin waist widened gracefully to her hips. Those slender legs finished in small delicate feet. All in all, an incredible vision.

First things first, Maslow's hierarchy of needs flashed through his mind. At its base, physical need. Food, shelter, safety. Bob grinned inwardly, he'd have bet a thousand dollars that he would never use that college psychology mumbo jumbo in real life! Yet, Bob knew it was true. Mayumi's physical well being needed care first. Well he was just the man. Master Kim Jung owed him a favor or two. Since his son was in the states attending college - thanks in large part to Bob pulling a few old family strings - a room was empty in his house. Bob spoke.

" I have just the place to take you to. Kim is a friend of mine. Come with me and all your needs will be fulfilled."

Bob thought, my needs as well soon enough! My eyes have feasted on Mayumi, and soon the rest of me must be satisfied as well! Nodding her acceptance, Mayumi took Bob's hand as they he started out on the street. Her hand was so small compared to his! Yet it fit. Bob wove his way through the streets to Kim's. After obtaining his gleeful permission, he led Mayumi up to her new room. Mayumi's eyes widened at the size and quality of the new living space, why her entire family didn't have this much and it was her's alone. She spun around to Bob and without thinking hugged him! Eyes quickly downcast, she spoke - embarrassed at her emotional display ...
" Each day through my window, I watch her as she passes by, I say to myself, you're such a lucky guy. To have a girl like her, is truly a dream come true. Out of all the fellas in the world, she belongs to me. ..
...This couldn't be a dream, for too real it all seems...

But it was just my imagination, runnin away with me, it was just my imagination, runnin away with me. "

Smokey Robinson
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