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Old 07-07-2003, 02:19 PM
Lovediva Lovediva is offline
~*Forget Me Not*~
Join Date: May 2001
Location: In hearts gone by....
Posts: 6,756
Unhappy This can't be happening!!!!


I had to come out of retirement to find out if this horrible rumor was true!

As I read, I am brought to tears....big tears.

Pixies Place will be missed terribly.

Even though I haven't been here in a few months, I think about Pixies, and all of you everyday!!!! Not a day goes by where I wish, I was able to play here with the friends and members that I have made over the past few years. Leaving Pixies was one
of the hardest decisions that I have ever made. You have no ideal of the withdrawls I went through!

Now coming back here is even more depressing, knowing that Kim has decided to close up shop.

Kim. You are and will remain the greatest BOSS ever! I wish you and yours well in the future!
Good luck in whatever you decide to do!

(Damn. This is a sad day indeed.)

To all of you who made Pixies Place what it is today... I thank you. You have grown into a huge loving family and you will all be missed.....even the new members that I haven't had the pleasure to meet!

You all take care now ya hear!!! And remember..Pixies will always be a part of you.....the memories made
here are enough to last you a lifetime! Trust me....I know!!!

Love and Best wishes to you all....and most of all I think it's time for one hell of a long group hug/grope!!!!!!!
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