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Old 12-13-2001, 09:34 PM
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Oral Freak
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 447
Quick, hide the scotch!

Don't let TDK get at any more of it... Good thing he's a happy drunk! Of course, I can think of ways to make him even happier, but I think I'll let him sober up a little first, so that he stands a chance of remembering them when the party's over!

Now, I'm really torn between the suggestions from Jay and Glyndwr --- should I cool off or warm up first? Both sound like great ideas... How about we go do that polar bear skinny-dipping first, then we can all come back and play leapfrog to our hearts' content to warm us back up? Then we can get the best of both plans...

So who else is up for a swim?

--- sweetstuff
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